Tuesday, 10 March 2015

CHANGE has not eluded some of us after all!


Interesting development.

Finally, it has dawned on some politicians that the historically infamous 'cooking exercise' of long ago (and whatever form that may take today), propaganda, hysteria, large crowd gatherings with trumpeting from the platform about issues and potential policies which have no substance, will not a future government make in the 21st century!

The realization has kicked in that one actually needs credible PLANS, and SOLUTIONS, something in the kitty to back it up, and an informed public, in order to make any kind of impact in the daily lives of the electorate. 

My, my, my, it is is never too late for a shower of rain, eh?   

I wonder how our friends, 'the old timers' over there in their 'Bubble Kingdom' are taking all this? After 50+ years of the same old, same old, these new fandangle ideas must be quite a shock to the system. Bless their hearts!!!

Here is a grand opportunity to break with the past. I wonder how it will turn out?

Anyhow, I say congrats to the brave who have decided to move forward, but as the old saying goes "the proof of the pudding is in the eating".



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