Showing posts with label ethnic minorities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ethnic minorities. Show all posts

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Ethnic Minorities in the UK


A very interesting report on the progress of ethnic minorities in the UK.

See: Race in Britain 2012: Has life changed for ethnic minorities? - The Independent, Sunday January 8, 2012

Well, I am pleased to learn of the improvements in terms of the opportunities and achievements of the ethnic communities in general, and the African/Caribbean community in particular. On the other hand, as always, there is still a long way to go.

So, as the above report speaks for itself, and this issue will, no doubt, continue to revolve, I will make this post short, and close with a message.

To the ethnic minorities in the UK:

in the spirit of peace -  keep moving forward

if it is said you cannot achieve your dream - do it anyway

if it is said you do not have the ability to accomplish your ambition(s) - defy the odds

if obstacles are in your way - negotiate them

if your situation looks negative - think positive

if you are 'encouraged' to accept the words "No, you can't" - always convert them to "Yes, I can"

if your skin colour becomes an issue to others - you must remain 'colour-blind'

if it is believed that your race does not 'fit' - exalt it highly, and regard it as a valuable blessing to society.

Race and culture complements everything we do. This goes for ALL races and cultures.

Only YOU can determine YOUR altitude. 

Keep the faith. Remain positive. Continue to climb. Always rise.

Peace, love, respect every time.


PS. Sorry, could not connect link for report. Please go to the website.