Showing posts with label wonder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wonder. Show all posts

Monday, 4 April 2016

Sometimes I wonder...


With all the madness going on in the world today, one part in particular is no exception, I wonder if it knows where it is going. Heinous crimes, political in-fighting, missing children, mental and physical abuse, domestic violence, battling for power where there should be a common interest, economic uncertainty, are just a few of the issues on the list. Sometimes I wonder what shift has caused some human beings to think that life has no value, we can do as we like, to hell with the rest, it's my way or no way, with no concern as to how an action or actions will affect others or citizens as a whole. 

Experience is supposed to teach sound lessons, and increase knowledge.

One may think I 'live' in a goldfish bowl, far removed from reality. 

So what?

Whatever happened to the art of skillful negotiation, and diplomacy, in everyday human interactions, never mind it being more or less non-existent in some politics? Negotiation has been known to save the day at zero hour. These days it seems to be about the ability to score bonus points and oust everyone else, rather than be gracious enough to come to an agreement, or compromise for the greater good.

There appears to be no direction in anything. It is okay to call somebody's bluff and hope the individual will make a fool of him/herself. To pull a fast one over the other and think of it as a big thing. The days of deeply analysing a matter, weighing up the pros and cons prior to making a decision, or anticipating what might happen when formulating policy and making provision thereby, has been swept away, and replaced by expediency. On the flip side, pulling the carpet from under the feet of one's opponent to gain an advantage is unproductive, destructive, and futile. 

So what are we going to teach our children about civilized living?  We can start with co-operation has never hurt anyone. We can accept criticism while learning to sift the constructive from the negative. To care for others, and to consider their feelings, should be the norm . One can lead and be, authoritative, respectful, firm, understanding, and open-minded.  It takes courage, and character, to do the right thing. 

Might, is not always, Right.
Right, is, Right.
If negative antics are supposed to achieve something, it is a done deal in terms of, failure. 

I wonder when it is going to dawn on some folk that it is not about winner takes all, but where we all want to go, and how we all are going to get there, together. Regardless of different views and positions, for goodness sake, bring sanity, commonsense, decency, intelligence, and humanity, back into this thing called life, and politics.   

I'm tired of the trauma, drama, spinning wheels, going around in circles, and returning to square one, over and over again!  I just do not want to hear only, but to see,  REAL, POSITIVE, CHANGE.  

