Tuesday 9 June 2020

Black lives don't matter - the toppling of the Edward Colston statue


When a country has been built on the proceeds obtained by using human beings for labour without compensation, has never considered them as human beings, only tools to acquire enormous wealth for themselves, then it is believed one has the right to use those humans and their descendants in like manner for perpetuity.

Building a country and accruing wealth based on exploitation of human beings, and raping their women, and their lands, brings with it no conscience on the part of the inheritors of such wealth because they were not around when it all happened, and therefore place the blame on their ancestors. Convenient.

This history is passed on from generation to generation, to rich and poor, forming in the mind of the hearers that the black race, and any other non-white race is inferior, and is regarded as nothing. It is still an entrenched belief today within the U.K.

The toppling of the Edward Colston statue, slave trader, philanthropist, from its position in the Bristol Town Centre, is indicative of the anger felt by the black community towards a past Bristolian figure who profited from the sale of their ancestors of black African or black Caribbean origin.
The decision by the relevant authority to erect the statute, and the controversy that had risen over the years surrounding Edward Colston's involvement in the slave trade, sheds light on the fact that the Bristolian slave trader, philanthropist, is of greater significance than the innocent slaves which brought him profit. Yes, I agree, by his financial support
he brought in to being many wonderful social institutions etc. for the development of Bristol, but at a human price.

However, the contention I have with the toppling of the statue is that it is the malicious destruction of property which does not represent the cry of the Black Lives Matter Movement. It is bad enough to hear of the disproportionate criminal and incarceration rate of black men/women in the U.K., then see bandwagonists use the Movement to defy the law, by pulling down, causing destruction to, and defacing the statue under the pretence it is in the name of Black Lives Matter. It is an insult to the memory of the late George Floyd. Mr. Floyd was not a criminal.

My second bone of contention is, how dare these ignorant bandwagonists parade the statue in the streets like a spoil of conquest, then throw the statue in the harbour to disturb the spirit of my ancestors, and those of my fellow black brothers and sisters. I am glad the police were on spot to see where the statue was thrown into the harbour. I will never support idiotic bandwagonists who use a anti-racism protest, as an excuse, to carry out criminal activity. The criminal action of those idiots, I hope, will not reinforce yet again the view, that black lives don't matter. If it were possible, all of those responsible should be rounded up and persuaded to assist in retrieving the statue from the harbour. I want my ancestors to rest in peace.

I am in full support of The Black Lives Matter Movement, but what concerns me is the distortion of its true meaning, by publicity seeking opportunists with symbolic gesturing, who have not the slightest conviction of how it feels to be a disregarded item in a society due to the fact that one is of a black complexion.

The late Mr. Edward Colston is dead and gone, but his legacy lives on in Bristol, and with those who respect his memory. Within the ambit of the law, what are the black people of Bristol going to do to ensure that the legacy of THEIR ancestors lives on in Bristol too?



Thursday 4 June 2020

Once again - black lives don't matter


The way the media and politicians are giving sanctimonious attention to the death of George Floyd, an African-American, in the U.S., a newcomer to the issue of race relations would believe this is a totally new phenomenon, and a first time event.
The untimely deaths of black men, outside of medical reasons, seems to be a distasteful staple in terms of what is expected to happen to black men, and women, in society today. It is yet another black man's life lost needlessly.

'Black Lives Matter' says it all. The reality is though, black lives don't matter, and  have never mattered. Our lives and everything else we do is considered totally expendable. I dare any non-ethnic person to deny it. The painful fact of the matter is, we black folk must shut up, do as we are told, and work to produce profit, but not for ourselves. We should be grateful for the 'scraps' that we get and not complain, and if by perchance success comes our way, it is called in to question. If we protest against injustice we are delusional, trouble makers, and are seeking nothing more than to discombobulate society, white society that is. We are not supposed to be educated, only to achieve the bare minimum. If we are well educated we are regarded as uppity, think we know it all, and need to know our place.

The interesting part is that it's ok to use the black man/woman for what they know, and what is theirs by right for profit, and to benefit everybody else except the black race. The refusal of the black man/woman to accept societies 'expectations' of them is seen as being difficult, and God forbid if they stage a protest, and even worse, if it becomes disruptive, it is interpreted that they do not want to be governed by the rule of law.

History is testament to this form of exploitation.
The British Empire became the British Empire by exploiting the people of those countries which made up the empire, and the resources of their lands. Quite a number of these lands were predominantly of non-white natives. My parents lived the experience of Crown Colony on their Caribbean island home.  The retelling of their observations of Crown Colony were very enlightening. The United States learnt from the example of Britain, but not the covert, indirect, and denial approach. Let's not forget Europe 's
jumping on the bandwagon and each scrambling for their share of Africa.

I do not believe the U.K., the U.S.A., nor Europe, has the intention of creating any true, real, and lasting change on race relations in the true sense of the word. The law(s) on race relations in the U.K., as far as I am concerned, are just a patch over to silence the dissenters. The real movers and shakers of change are those resilient, 'don't matter' black men and women with their never ending persistence and audacity to 'climb over' the obstacles set in their way to stall or erase their progress, and uses it all as motivation to drive themselves on to their eventual success. They have no time to waste with many of the bench warming orators, occupying the seats of power, and who have absolutely no understanding whatsoever of what race relations is all about.

What concerns me, is when all this pretentiousness, sanctimoniousness, self-righteousness by the media, politicians, and whoever else, for the most part, on the death of George Floyd is over - what then?


Don't hold your breath.



Wednesday 3 April 2019

Money versus Racism: the hidden agenda in football


For years, racism has been the thorn in the side of football - domestic, and international.

The remedies that are on offer amount to a band-aid to cover a deep lacerated wound which can provide no healing to the injury at all.  The players who experience racial abuse on or off the pitch from other players, or from the supporters in the stands, are presumably supposed to 'take it on the chin' as it is a part of the cut and thrust of the game, and is, in effect, a reflection of society and the world at large. So it is acceptable, as long as, so far, there is no threat to life.

The fact that the racially abused player is offended, and sometimes feels compelled to defend him/herself, as they feel  deeply wounded by offensive remarks, chants, or by objects thrown onto the pitch which symbolize him/her with a particular animal, pales into insignificance because their response is seen as an unnecessary disruption of the game, and therefore they should just shut-up and get on with playing.

If legal action is taken by the player, the court of public opinion has already decided his/her fate. If the football authority takes action with imposed sanctions, it makes no difference to the offender but only creates a small hole in their pocket in terms of a substantial fine. It
inconveniences the team when the offender is banned for several games, or temporarily reduces the income of the club when the supporters are banned from attending a match(s) because of grossly unruly behaviour. Overall, no matter which way you take it, the punitive sanctions laid down by FIFA and Football Associations are an ineffective sham, and does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to reduce, never mind eradicate, racism from the sport of football.

Why you may ask?

MONEY is football, and football is MONEY.

Everything else is secondary. This is why racism in football or any other sport is a sideline issue and will only be patched over, so as not to undermine what is really at stake here - MONEY, LOVELY MONEY.

This is why, people, no real progress will ever be made on the contentious issue of racism in sport.

What I say next will certainly incur the wrath of many a football player, but the fact is footballers are a commodity to be bought and sold - MONEY! They are compensated for their skill - MONEY!  The supporters go to the matches to watch their team play - MONEY! Players are bought for their skill not their skin colour - MONEY!

So in the midst of all this MONEY mindset, the non-white player, to be specific, the mixed race, and black player, is expected to put up with racist remarks, chants, banana throwing, and any other disgraceful act, either by the unenlightened player, or the ignorant supporters in the stands because he is just a commodity, and an easy target because of his/her colour.

What a world, eh?

Can't say that I don't enjoy watching a good game of football. I just hate some of the garbage that comes dished up with it.

I hope that if any non-white professional football players read this post, it will help them to strategize and think how best to deal with this contentious and vexing issue called RACISM in football. Be consoled that you are not the first to experience it, and you will certainly not be the last. By the looks of things it is set to remain in football, forgive me Lord to say this, until HE breaks the cloud and comes with his angels. Get the gist?

Chin up guys and gals!

It's all about the M-O-N-E-Y!!!!!!!



Saturday 29 December 2018

Preserving Cultural Heritage


The Black Cultural Archives (BCA) opened its doors to the public in 2014. Four years later, it is facing financial difficulties to remain open.

An institution such as The BCA is crucial to record, and preserve documentation of the history, culture, and development of a people, that has made valuable contributions to the historical, social, cultural, and economic life of British society.

At times, this argument is considered irrelevant. However, it is nonsense to sustain this point of view. No man, or country is an island, figuratively speaking. If this is not a true statement, then the powers that be in a former time would have thought twice before 'inviting strangers'  into their midst who introduced a new and vibrant lifestyle, and brought with them their work ethic, culture, customs, and religious beliefs, to not challenge, but to enhance and support the 'Motherland'.

The BCA is of no less importance than any other national institution that seeks to extend knowledge and understanding of its people. This knowledge and understanding is not only to be shared with those of black ancestry, it invites universal interest to share in the uniqueness of black culture, its adaptability to the British way of life, and its willingness to participate in the advancement of Britain on the world stage.

Finance is always an issue to maintain a cultural institution. The issue becomes more problematic when the institution is not indigenous, and the solution to long term financial support becomes more acute.

As a British expatriate of Jamaican ancestry, I ask the present powers that be in the UK, to seriously consider the educational, sociological,  historical relevance, contribution, and impact, The BCA will have on the cohesiveness of British society, in terms of increasing knowledge and understanding, and to encourage further full participation in the future economic prosperity of Britain for perpetuity.



Thursday 18 October 2018

A Stranger Without, a stranger within


Here's the thing.

You go off to a foreign country somewhere, knowing full well you are going to be up against it.

After all, you will be an outsider - right?

You'll have to 'fight' for everything.

Fight to get a job
Fight to stay in the job.
Fight for fair wages.
Fight to keep wages fair.
Fight to raise your family.
Fight to educate your children.
Fight to be accepted.
Fight for justice. Fight for survival.
Fight, fight, fight...and the combat goes on.

Battle worn and weary,  but not defeated, the years roll on. Many an Autumn and Winter has made you shiver. Too quickly Spring and Summer have come and gone. 

Suddenly, that light bulb goes off in your head, and says:
"You know what, it's time to return from whence I came."
So, you make plans, and more plans.
This time it's more than a suitcase you'll be packing, it's your whole life story.

Fast forward - you are home, really home, at last!

The walls, and the guard, comes down. No need for this anymore you say  to yourself.  You meet and greet  -
you dare  to utter, and get a quizzical look.
Who are you?  It says.
The eyes assess you with an up, down motion.
All of a sudden, you feel like a stranger,  an outsider, an alien.
You wonder what's wrong. Is it something I said? Or did?
The look continues. The mouth opens, and a voice is heard and catches you off guard.
"You are from England?"
"No", you say, " I'm from _______".
"Yes", comes the response, "But you were in England?"
"Yes", you reply in exasperation, as it is clear only the 'foreign' aspect of you has sparked interest. So, after being asked a deluge of questions, while trying to 'justify' your presence in your own country, you seek a quick getaway to mull over this mind bending event.
You speak to others like yourself, and find they are in the same predicament, and have a story to tell of their acquired 'foreign status' in their own country. A 'foreign status' acquired by those who proudly walked tall and 'waved' the flag of their homeland while residing overseas, and choosing to be upstanding members of their communities and in society at large, contrary to the negative images so often depicted in the public space.
With all of that dedication to the land that made you all that you are, astonishingly, you have to 'fight' once more, but this time, to prove you 'belong' to the land of your birth,  because you - wait for it! -
Look different, talk different, walk different, act different, dress different, speak with a different accent, and practise unabashed etiquette, decorum, and good manners. All of this enables your own people to distinguish you from them. What a life!
The sad thing about all of this, is that all of the good virtues, values and attitudes you have, you learnt them in your beloved homeland.
At the end of the day though, such views will always pale into insignificance, as it will never change you within, a true son or daughter of the soil of your homeland.
So, when the 'go to foreign' spirit sets in the hearts of 'thine accusers',  I hope they will consider the possible outcome of a decision to live in a foreign land for an extended period.
REMEMBER, a son or daughter of home soil, but a stranger in a foreign land, will NEVER, EVER, be a stranger within the land of their birth.



Tuesday 1 May 2018

The People Who Don't Matter


Creating a 'hostile environment' for illegal immigrants is one thing, when done in a just and humane manner. Creating an excuse to get  rid of people because it is convenient, and knowing it is unlikely that the people in question will be able to defend themselves against the establishment through lack of paperwork and crucial documentary evidence, is testament of the hidden resentment towards the immigrant.

It is no ordinary set of immigrants either. I am talking about the invited, productive, economy building, clean up the messes of the 'Mother Country' - literally - after the war, while putting up with anti-immigrant fervour. 

What makes this whole scandal more distasteful, is that those mostly affected are the children who came to join their parents in England, because the establishment, at that time, had created the environment for them to do so. Change in the law treats them as outcasts without mercy, yet there WAS evidence available to prove they had right of residency. If the late Mr. Enoch Powell was alive today to hear of the deportations, I believe, he would be in his element

 It is clear some people don't matter - but guess what - statistics do! Their cheap labour, matters, the resources from their respective homelands, matter, to want to flood their Region with goods, matter, regardless of the detriment to its respective domestic economic policies. Yet they, of human flesh, sinews, and emotions, who did not go to England to beg, and be dependent on the 'Motherland', find themselves almost tossed out, or, tossed out completely, from a country in which they have, legally, spent their lives striving in to make a living, raise their families, and gradually build their lives.

People make mistakes, yes, and fail to do what they are supposed to do. However, what disturbs me deeply in cases highlighted in the media, as well as a recent revelation, is that the issues could have been resolved quickly if crucial documentation was retained, and made available, which brings me back to the heading of this post again. There are people with the mindset who fervently believe, some folk, just don' t matter, and are dismissed with more impunity than waste disposal. Harsh words, befit harsh, and unjust treatment to its own citizens, and former subjects of The British Empire, who happen to be 'invited' immigrants. 

I welcome the apologies of The Right Honourable Theresa May MP, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and welcomed the move by the former Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, MP, to rectify the situation. 

Now, I understand, a new Home Secretary is in place, Sajid Javid, MP. 

The resignation of one, and the appointment of another, is irrelevant. It is the ability, together with the policymakers, to correct the enduring anti-immigrant, immigration policy, to net those who are truly illegal immigrants in the UK.

In my opinion, the Windrush Scandal, which could have been avoided by Her Majesty's Home Office, has, inadvertently, become a smokescreen for the real illegal immigrants in the UK, to hide behind. This is where the challenge lies.

At the end of the day, contentious political issues produce rhetoric, and more rhetoric to calm the storm. I say, on this issue, we'll see how long it takes for this Windrush Scandal, to subside. 



When it is time to step down, and move on


I am saddened on reading about how it has all ended for
Robert Mugabe, former President of Zimbabwe. Moving forward one's country after controversy can be a tricky business, particularly when the political atmosphere within, and on the world front, is difficult.

History can be a cruel storyteller, so it is wise to know when to walk away, not only for the leadership, but more importantly, for the Zimbabwean nation.

I fear what the history books will record post the late Mr. Ian Smith, former Prime Minister, of what was then, Rhodesia.
On that, one can only speculate.

I hope Zimbabwe, and its people, can move forward together, in the spirit of democracy.

