Monday, 29 September 2014

Emotion and trivia versus facts and constructive criticism


On reading a particular Caribbean newspaper, I found it interesting how those who want change to advantage themselves, rather than the nation, are never able to come up with practical suggestions or solutions for the benefit of all. Negative criticism, put down, humiliation, and ridicule, are the order of the day to prove the perceived incompetence of 'them', as opposed to the self ordained enlightened 'us'.

Emotion and trivia can contribute to: 
1. heightened blood pressure
2. remaining in a static position.

Could this be the reason why the glass clinkers, and the old guys and gals network cannot get any momentum, so the only thing to do is to blame everybody else for the social and  economic conditions?

A veteran from pre-independence times told me about his sightings of the 'happy' happenings on the verandah which was very vocal, and laced with colourful language. According to the veteran, how much of the discussion focused on the national interest was hard to say. However, from his vantage-point of the sidewalk, the voices of the gathering suggested it did not include people like him, or the social class of the masses among its number.

Venting the emotions and exchanging trivia over a glass of Scotch on the Rocks, and other intoxicating beverages available, may have served a purpose where only the privileged could afford to indulge in the expensive liquor. Today that ritual has its limitations. It can take one a short distance only, because, before long, the need for hard facts with supportive evidence, and constructive criticism kicks in, if any attention is to be drawn to issues of concern.

Furthermore, a separatist approach which rides high on a verandah platform, and serves the self-interest of the few, will never be an effective tool for dialogue, to create change, or advance a society. It is counterproductive, unproductive, destructive, and a means to no end. Facts and constructive criticism to encourage productive debate is sacrificed for expediency, and short lived unsustainable policies, with charitable deeds thrown in for good measure.

It appears the message is hard to understand. Old habits die hard. One-upmanship and a separatist mentality will achieve nothing. Even now it has produced zero results. 

In my view, the way around this obstacle is to create an environment where everyone can be a part of the conversation that encourages constructive criticism in the national interest, and the presentation of facts that can be understood by all its people.

If we are to share the same space, we need to be on the same page regarding how that space is to be developed and advanced. Cooperation, and a unified force, is the key to progress while we agree to disagree.This is what can make a difference, and move a people, and nation forward. 

Whether the reader agrees or disagrees with my position is neither here nor there, but please, I ask you, do not be emotive and trivialize it. Look at the facts, if you can, then criticize constructively at your leisure.




Friday, 2 May 2014

University is about society


This is an interesting question.

How widespread is racism at uni? - The Guardian, Friday March 14, 2014

Before I went to university I met an undergraduate. I wanted to know what is done to gain the degree, and what university is like. The undergraduate answered the first part of my question. To the second part the response was unexpected - "university is about society".

The students who enter university are from all walks of life, bringing with them their belief systems, prejudices, values, attitudes, norms, and mores. There is no guarantee the higher education experience will bring about a change in behaviour.

Wherever one chooses to have a university education, it is a battleground,  just as life is outside of it. Fitting in, is difficult enough. It becomes more difficult when there is racial  insensitivity.

So what is the answer to this question?

Take a position. 





I  understand a Cambridge college at Cambridge University chose a theme for its annual ball namely, "Gone with the Wind".

Cambridge college cancels 'racist' Gone With The Wind themed ball - The Guardian, Wednesday March 19, 2014

This is the title of a 1939 film set in the period of the American Civil War. 
For further information click here: "Gone with the Wind" 

In my opinion, with some decisions, the thinking that underlies the decision, is more important than the decision itself. 

Values, attitudes, norms, and mores help to form one's thinking. Thinking patterns will not change on request.  

I believe, if there were no objections, "Gone With The Wind", would have, gone on. 

It is very unlikely issues on race will be a thing of the past any time soon.

Hattie McDaniel, an African-American actress in the 1939 film "Gone with the Wind", played the controversial role of Mammy, the very busy, and ever conversant house slave. For her role she won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, the first African-American actress to do so. In Hattie McDaniel's time, African-Americans experienced extreme racial stereotyping, racial prejudice, and segregation.  



I, too, support Oxford


The Black and Minority Ethnic students at Oxford University have 'voiced' their  experiences.

Oxford's 'students of colour' on being 'othered' at university - The Guardian, Wednesday March 12, 2014.

I have no quarrel with anyone at Oxford.  However, I do take exception to the inappropriate questions, comments, and remarks, made to the BME students at the university.

The BME students are under no obligation to justify their presence at Oxford. It is obvious they  fulfilled the requirements for entry through the university's normal admissions procedure.  

I am in support of the BME students', "I, too, am Oxford " campaign. It is unfortunate the students found it necessary to take this informative approach to raise awareness of their concerns.  

Preconceived notions of 'others', avoids seeing what is really there - a human being.  It is the preparedness to accept new people, that makes cohesion, cooperation, and respect possible.

Forgive me for coining a passage of scripture, but the truth is, we have been around this 'race' mountain long enough. It is time to change direction, and maximize the positive opportunities, particularly those which come in human vessels, to enrich learning.

I wish all students at the University of Oxford every success.

