Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Controversy: Mary Seacole and Olaudah Equiano


Controversy has arisen in the UK regarding plans to remove the histories of Mary Seacole and Olaudah Equiano from the British National Curriculum. According to reports, British children will learn about traditional historical figures such as Oliver Cromwell and Winston Churchill. The histories of Mary Seacole and Olaudah Equiano will be options. 

Erased From History: Seacole Could Be Wiped From Schoolbooks - The Voice, Monday January 14. 2013

I remember, to some extent, my history lessons at high school in the UK. The teacher (a very knowledgeable gentleman on his subject matter) who taught my class history, spoke at length about the Vikings, William the Conqueror, Wars of the Roses, Henry the VIII, The Battle of Hastings (1066), The Domesday Book,  Bayeux Tapestry, Magna Carta,The Duke of Wellington, the Battle of Waterloo, Lord Horatio Nelson, the Battle of Trafalgar, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Francis Drake, Queen Elizabeth I, The Spanish Armada, Oliver Cromwell, The Reformation, and other British historical figures, sites and events.

Gove faces war with equality activists as he axes Labour's PC curriculum that dropped greatest figures from history lessons - Mail Online, Saturday December 29, 2012

I must say though, in all fairness, the history lessons were very interesting and very informative. However, as a curious twelve-year-old British born Jamaican pupil listening to the information being imparted to me, in my mind were the questions: Where do I fit in to all of this? Who in British history represents me?  

'You should be concerned' - Jamaica Observer, Tuesday January 15, 2013

 Don't Consign Mary Seacole to history, Michael Gove is urged - The Independent, Friday January 04, 2013

My parents had experienced a different kind of history. Later on in their lives they learned some of their true African/Caribbean history. They told me as much as they could about British colonialism, and slavery. I was told also about my connection to the African ancestors who were captured in their West Africa homeland by the slave traders. They were shipped to Britain, Europe, North America, and the West Indies, to be sold and used as a slave workforce. I mention this because it is important to bear in mind that in my parents' day, Jamaican schoolchildren living in colonial Jamaica, were taught about Queen Victoria, William Wilberforce, David Livingstone, and Florence Nightingale.

In a peculiar kind of way, it is possible that history may repeat itself.

Readers who may not have a clue about Mary Seacole and Olaudah Equiano, and their relevance to Black History (Africa/Caribbean) AND British History, please click on the following:

Mary Seacole  

Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands, by Mary Seacole   

Olaudah Equiano

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, The African, by Olaudah Equiano

Please see petition to retain Mary Seacole and Olaudah Equiano in the British National Curriculum, on the Operation Black Vote website



P.S: since this posting,  "VICTORY! MARY SEACOLE STAYS ON THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM"         (see press for details)    

Friday, 18 January 2013

To the black-led churches in the UK: Don't just sit around and mope - VOTE!


Interesting report on the black-led churches in the UK and British politics (see BBC News UK - "Black-led churches to wake 'sleeping giant' of British politics",13 October, 2012).

The Church of God movement played a large part in my childhood and young adulthood in the UK. My mother and father were committed Christians and members of the movement from their youth in Jamaica. Their commitment continued when they migrated to England.

From my experience, black-led churches, of which The New Testament Church of God is the largest body, have always been well aware of the political and social issues which concern the black community. This has been the case since the early 1950's. 

Now there appears to be an even greater political awareness in the church, especially among the younger generation. In spite of this, there seems to be the view, that because of limited or no-action taken by successive governments on issues affecting the black community, apathy, reluctance, and even a complete refusal to vote has set in. This position not to vote, is a position, of no constructive use whatsoever. In my opinion, for some members of the  black-led churches/black community to refuse to exercise their constitutional and civic right to vote is akin to allowing the powers that be to do whatever they wish with the black population. For years certain Members of Parliament elected to represent their constituencies, which often had a large black community within it, struggled to achieve their objectives while negotiating the obstacles they encountered along the way. By not voting, it is saying, in effect, that efforts by those Members of Parliament to win equal rights and opportunities for not only black people, but for all their constituents, was all for nothing.  

I believe, today, more than ever, the leadership and the congregations of the black-led churches in the UK are in a position to influence, and impact, the political process. This is possible based on: (1) the Christian principles which form the foundation of these churches, and with increased knowledge, creates a platform for learning, understanding, clear thinking, and rational discussion of  emotive political/social issues upon which informed decisions can be made: (2) the black-led churches/black community's refusal to yield to the expectation of non-achievement, lack of progress, and/or to be static; (3) history will prove that the black vote, collectively, has had a significant impact on the outcome of general elections in the UK.

The black-led churches can learn lessons from its early pioneers. West Indians migrated from the Caribbean to England in the 1950's and 1960's on the ship 'Windrush', the British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC), and the British West Indian Airways (BWIA), bringing their faith with them. Once they understood the political and social environment that they were in, they did not allow what was happening around them prevent their participation in what could help to make their lives better. They did not find an excuse not to participate in elections as long as they were able to do so, However, the pioneers may well have suspected, at times, that their vote was of more benefit to others than themselves. 

Nevertheless, their contribution to change and progress is recorded in the annals of British history.

Now, it is up to the black community and black-led churches of today, to take up the mantle.
This is why I give my full support to Bishop Jonathan Jackson of the New Testament Church of God, Ladywood, Birmingham, England,  who "believes it is a 'Christian duty' for his congregation to vote" (see above link to BBC News UK report). 

Passivity will never achieve anything. Church, are you aware of the fact that you are a unifying and influential force that can create change? Do you know that the church congregation, and in particular the committed believers,  has a responsibility to the government of the country? Let me explain in simple terms. In the Bible it is clearly stated in First Peter Chapter two versus 13 to 17 (1st Peter 2:13-17) that the citizens in the church body should do what is expected of them such as paying taxes, obeying the law, praying for the government to make the right decisions so that we can all live a peaceful life (believe it or not), and, yes folks, cast the vote.  

Imagine if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did not take a stand for civil rights, and did not decide to fight against segregation, but just accept the status quo. Think about it. (see link: Martin Luther King's Speech - 'I have a dream')

Regardless of the frustrations, and lack of progress on issues, it is crucial that the citizens in the black-led churches,and the black community, make their 'voices' heard. Just complaining about the situation, faultfinding, and making excuses to do nothing is counterproductive, and a hindrance to the individual, and the advancement of the society. So please, use the power that you have. Take part in the political process. Do not waste time and mope. Exercise your right  to vote!

Happy 2013.



PS. For those still not in the know, please take note of Operation Black Vote